Precious Blood – The Blood of the Lamb


  1. 感谢主,借着弟兄让我们认识主宝血是何等有功效!有一处不大明白:【启12:11】弟兄胜过它,是因羔羊的血和自己所见证的道。他们虽至于死,也不爱惜性命。不知为何弟兄只单单强调了“羔羊的血”?感觉在这里“羔羊的血”和“自己所见证的道”缺一不可。主的血固然重要,而且是我们得胜的根据,但如果没有“自己所见证的道”,也是不能胜过的吧?所以,我们属灵生命的长进,让主的道借着我们的见证彰显出来也是非常重要的,是胜过仇敌的必要条件。不知我的理解对不对?请指教!

  2. Hi Sister, Great sharing and question. I believe the focus is not brothers’ testimonies, but what they are testifying – “the word”. Without discountIng the importance of individual’s and corporate testimonies, we should examine ourselves whether the word we believe worthy for giving up our lives, and whether our testimonies are worthy of the words, which is Christ Himself. The blood of the lamb is Jesus’ sacrifice, and the word is Himself. Praise the Lord.

    1. 谢谢no name弟兄或姐妹的回复!我的问题不是“我们的见证”和“主的道”之间的关系,而是在得胜的问题上,“羔羊的血”和“他们所见证的道”是并列的,缺一不可。在弟兄在信息里,特别强调了“不在乎我们生命的长进”这一点,与这节经文不符,所以才产生了疑问。也许是我听的不够仔细?会再听听。盼望我们都在主的话上认真!

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